Yesterday marked my last day of exam paper, also means tat will be the last time offcially in NP if I sucessfully clear the papers!!! haha... weird.. did not have the "cant bear to leave" or sad sad leaving... ok slightly sad was tat, i no longer a student and tat wun be seeing shennie they all everyday, laugh together, gossip together le. haiz.... anyway yday paper, FIT, I have like 80% confident!! hahaha v gd v gd. after the paper, we decided to go enjoy ourselves! haha.. so we went Suntec to eat, Kenney Roger, then shopped around suntec, then went starubucks to grab a drink, then shopped the whole city hall! haha then later at abt 9 plus, me, shennie and candy decided to go for a drink, to chiLl! so we went Liquid Kitchen which is at bukit timah there.. was nt bad the ambience, v relaxing, dim... decided nt to order alcholic cos was suffering fr gastric. lol.. so ordered mocktail instead, it was "Honey, Orange Juice and Milk" sounded cool rgt the combination! :P then rched home at abt midnite. exhuasted... haha.......
Today, woke up 8am, to msg a fren, good luck for his exams lor... haha.. hard to dip myself up though. after tat, at first wanted to go with janice sentosa, but saw tat the sky was cloudy, so decided to change it to a shopping spree, met Janice at far east at 11 plus, then we shopped till 2 plus at there... bought a office skirt... then took bus to City hall.. cos Janice long time nvr go there lor... then dropped at raffles city, walked frm there to MS then to Suntec, Janice bought office wears.. 2 tops n one pants.. from G2000 Sales! v cheap.. $25 pants.. $23 each for the top.. bought 3 pcs got addiontal 10%!.. after tat we went MS food court to eat dinner, then walked abit.. then went to esplande to sit there.. n chatted! haha cos been vvvvv long time since i last catch up with MS JANICE! cos she either always busy working or hiding lor! diff to contact her.. so today updated her one shot on the things happened!!!! great shopping n chattign buddy! hahaha... enjoyed spending time with her, cos we can chat anything n everything lor!!!
Hmm tml.. mum off.. so gg out with her! woohoo slacker life.. tat wat it is! hahaha...