Omg! As the title indicates, yes I am officially broke.. Lol.. today met up with Zhen n Irence at Bugis, main goal was to shop lor.. haha well I bought 2 pair of footwear, one is slip on, the other is a scandal kind. yes is on sale.. one is Bonia which is $19!!! hahaha.. another is fr tang studio, $19 also!! hahaha... then I bought my most expensive top out of my entire life.. Bossini Demin Outwear! $79 U.P. then there is 30% discount but still ex after discount, $55.30 haiz.. but i really like it, it can be worn as blazer or top.. formal yet casual kind. I love it! LOL hmm then also not forgetting my grandma, i bought her a top too.. haha.. hmm well overall i spent $170! Shh dun let my mama koes.. LOL........ include eating lar... well we ate mixed countries food today.. meaning, lunch we ate at HK cafe (Baked cheese rice) then dinner we ate thai express (Fire noodle, chicken wings and seafood salad shared among us).. yes I felt tat i putting on weight! haiz.. and I first time saw irence bought so many stuff also. heez.. 2 pair of shoes, one top, one bag etc.. haha we all bought heaps of things.. to destress i guess.. hahaha
Ok.. think i really got to be thrifty till i get my salary.. LOL...
Signing Off...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wow nowadays ever since i started work, I blogged less n less... haha too lazy n tired... well well 2 weeks at WDA.. hahaha still busy learning... but consider stil quite ok for the moment? haha.. hmm yesterday was the company onboarding session (is for the newbies perm staff to mingle with one another and the management), i of cos only a contract n small fly, helped with the ordering of caterer etc.. nt bad, have fun.. hahah get to choose the dishes, then set up tables, then chatted with my deputy CEO. gosh.. scary.. hahaha... hmm then later rushed down to my desk, n clear my work lor.. so many things to do.. haha time pass really fast lor. haha.. after work went clementi to mit with, Ann, Sherman, Carol, WJ, Wq and JOE! hahaahah as usual i was the first one to rch, then followed by the rest, we went to pizza hut to eat... wow the service so suxy.. then after that we went to bukit timah Liquid kitchen to chill up lor. so long since we really chatted.. hahah I love u buddies man! hahaha..... well relaxed from one week of shack life. hahaha....
OK.. till the next post...
OK.. till the next post...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I am suffering from Monday blues! haiz.. tml is the last day of the person tat is handing her work to me.. so I must try to absorb as much as possible.. haiz at times feel so sianz.. cos working so no life.. haiz hw i hope i have more free time.. and tat how i wish beside me, there is someone who can give me the care and support tat i need at times when work is too stressful. I feel so incomplete and nt motivated in life right now.. I dun ask for much.. jus a sms for encouragement... it is so unpredictable. at times wonder did i do anything wrong, tat dun attract anybody... ok anyway is just some randomly complains again..... Well I need to learn to survive, even is without anybody.. although is hard, cos overall i;m still a female creature. LOL.....
"Road is filled with obstacles....... I need someone to walk with me....."
"Road is filled with obstacles....... I need someone to walk with me....."
Taking Things for Granted.....
Hmm this few nites were like worrying for a fren... cos she was being hurted by her bf.. cos she simply too give in to her bf, and the bf takes her for granted, she was too soft-hearted... contributed every soul n monetary in the relationship.. he was her priority in her life, she lived for the sake of hiM!. and yet he can still complain tat, my fren as a gf, had nt done her part sufficiently. WTH! F*** HIM! they were like together for 3 years, the jie meis already dun like the bf in the beginning.. cos he bullied her too much.. my fren was like stood outside his house, yet he jus slammed the door on her.. hw on earth... ok enuff of the bloody shit! well it made me dun trust guys tat easily.! hahaha... cos it is simply too hurtings n painfuls.....
Well GER, life is tough... full of obstacles... now u r fortunate tat u see his true color, nt only after the marriage or wat, which is too late.. Be strong.. u have yr family n us ard yeah! Cheers.
Well GER, life is tough... full of obstacles... now u r fortunate tat u see his true color, nt only after the marriage or wat, which is too late.. Be strong.. u have yr family n us ard yeah! Cheers.
Friday, September 19, 2008
5 Days of Work..
Today was the 5th day in WDA... well on wed was kinda v stressed cos I guess i havent fully adapted the working style and work loads, was really down, thanks to my frens' encouraging words.. =) hmm after tat, the stress reduced abit.. well.. at least my colleagues are real nice lol.. we will go lunch together everyday and chi chat to de-stress.... and yes, i koe.. nd to be careful... hmm well everyday is a learning journey, i learnt n absorb new things... hope I can learn as much from the person by tuesday, cos tuesday is her last day.. so I will be taking over liao.. hmm.. i must say one of the higher ranked ger, who is 29 year of age, who i can really clicked along well.. LOL.. we chatted almost everythings.. hmm anyway, still have a little problem to memorise those departments so far also koe (TB, HSBD, PD, CDD, CMCD, IFD etc?) lol and nt forgetting need to memorise the directors and personal assistants' names! LOL.. and their desks.. haha chim! stressed... and oh ya i;m in-charge of more to administrating for training n development part, so nd to reg for staff for programs, arrange interviews, orientation etc... oh ya was at the photocopying room, the view was fantastic, so happened tat i brought my hp... n took a pic

nice? ya is esplande, spore river view. heex.. nice.. i can see the same view fr the staff lounge.. LOL..
ok tats for the day.. Chaos......
Monday, September 15, 2008
~First Day at Work~
Today woke up at 6.15am! been so so long time since i last wake up so so early lor haiz.. the nite b4, did nt had a good rest lor..kept flipping n flopping on my bed.. no deep slp.. too anxious abt the job already.. and ya also the releasing of exams results...
hmm today 6plus checked the results! Yesh.. marked my offcial graduating fr NP already... nt bad.. got (IB=A), (IBS= B+), (CRM = B), (EBA=A), (FIT=B+)... so great.. hahaha then went to work.. i seriously hate taking bus during peak hours! i swear i gg to buy mrt concession! took bus at abt 7.05am.. rched abt 8.15am! my work starts at 8.30am! so panicked, i really prayed hard on bus hope tat i wun be late lor.. cos dun like to be late, prefer to be early, eat bread n go toilet de lor! haiz.. highway traffic was like a tortise, then orchard area so many ppl dropped off.. KNS!
Reached office, then no one ard yet, so waited at the reception.. then one of the colleagues came, then briefly told me wat to do..she also one year contract de... but almost over le her contract, hmm taught me if got orientation, nd to set up projector etc.. then My direct sup today was on training so left me alone.. then i went to the library/files room to sort those personal files of wda staff lor... took me abt whole day.. then helped with some kit etc.. hmm that colleague went off halfday today.. so was really alone lor.. basically the department consist of 2 junior officer which is me n the coll... plus 4 higher ranking staff... well in there, a diploma cert is like nothing lor.. cos my bosses have those bachelor 2nd honoured something quali.. lOl... then after work , went to take tat bloody bus! haiz i boarded from 3 rd bus stop fr the terminal u koe.. n the bus was already full packed with standing passengers! wow lau... Sianz.. the journey took 1 hr plus again.. Jam jam jam! hate it>! LOL ok enuff of the complain.. although i did nt learnt much today, i can feel tat the workload is kinda heavy.. will get heavier.. jus wan to tell myself, try my best to learn n see how.. .. =)
A Small Fly with a Blister Toe at work! LOL
Flying off ~~~~~~~~~
hmm today 6plus checked the results! Yesh.. marked my offcial graduating fr NP already... nt bad.. got (IB=A), (IBS= B+), (CRM = B), (EBA=A), (FIT=B+)... so great.. hahaha then went to work.. i seriously hate taking bus during peak hours! i swear i gg to buy mrt concession! took bus at abt 7.05am.. rched abt 8.15am! my work starts at 8.30am! so panicked, i really prayed hard on bus hope tat i wun be late lor.. cos dun like to be late, prefer to be early, eat bread n go toilet de lor! haiz.. highway traffic was like a tortise, then orchard area so many ppl dropped off.. KNS!
Reached office, then no one ard yet, so waited at the reception.. then one of the colleagues came, then briefly told me wat to do..she also one year contract de... but almost over le her contract, hmm taught me if got orientation, nd to set up projector etc.. then My direct sup today was on training so left me alone.. then i went to the library/files room to sort those personal files of wda staff lor... took me abt whole day.. then helped with some kit etc.. hmm that colleague went off halfday today.. so was really alone lor.. basically the department consist of 2 junior officer which is me n the coll... plus 4 higher ranking staff... well in there, a diploma cert is like nothing lor.. cos my bosses have those bachelor 2nd honoured something quali.. lOl... then after work , went to take tat bloody bus! haiz i boarded from 3 rd bus stop fr the terminal u koe.. n the bus was already full packed with standing passengers! wow lau... Sianz.. the journey took 1 hr plus again.. Jam jam jam! hate it>! LOL ok enuff of the complain.. although i did nt learnt much today, i can feel tat the workload is kinda heavy.. will get heavier.. jus wan to tell myself, try my best to learn n see how.. .. =)
A Small Fly with a Blister Toe at work! LOL
Flying off ~~~~~~~~~
Thursday, September 11, 2008
New Chapter of LIfe
Yesterday went down to the job agency to sign contract, as Monday will be starting my new job in WDA... well the contract stated that I got to work for at least 6 weeks b4 able to resign if nt penalty would be applicable... hmm.. one thing ma fan is tat I every end of the month got to fax to them my time sheet, cos job agency is the one who is paying me lor.....
THis few days v paraniod, v afraid that what is i cant cope, colleagues dun like me? etc etc... v depressed kind of feeling... LOL... haha.. I dun koe... alot of what ifs.. well nt much confidence but thanks my fren for "passing me yr confidence" hor hahaha...
But i just gg to tell myself tat, just learn.. dun koe ask! dun give up kind of attitude! JIA YOU! =) hmm got to wake up v early from monday onwards and rch home 7 plus liao.. haiz haiz.. hahahaha ... and tats still Monday releasing of exams results! wow i guess i wun be able to slp on sunday's nite liao.. too anxious and excited! LOL..
Hmm... Student transforming to the full working adult liao! need some time to adapt though.... All the best to me!!!
Signing off........
THis few days v paraniod, v afraid that what is i cant cope, colleagues dun like me? etc etc... v depressed kind of feeling... LOL... haha.. I dun koe... alot of what ifs.. well nt much confidence but thanks my fren for "passing me yr confidence" hor hahaha...
But i just gg to tell myself tat, just learn.. dun koe ask! dun give up kind of attitude! JIA YOU! =) hmm got to wake up v early from monday onwards and rch home 7 plus liao.. haiz haiz.. hahahaha ... and tats still Monday releasing of exams results! wow i guess i wun be able to slp on sunday's nite liao.. too anxious and excited! LOL..
Hmm... Student transforming to the full working adult liao! need some time to adapt though.... All the best to me!!!
Signing off........
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Wow been one week since my last post.. simply too lazy n too occupied with other things ... past few days whole family was like fell sick, sore thoart etc. LOL it jus spread v fast within the same roof..
yday went for Fairprice Interview for HR position, I must say that I quite liked the 2 ladies that interviewed me.. they really asked HR related questions... like why am I interested in HR line? and where do I see myself in 5 years time tat kind of question!, do I koe hw to use Peoplesoft, a HRM software etc... LOL well the only thing I dislike is tat, she said got to work under a v stressful environment.. -.- hmm and tat they will only let me koe the result in 2 weeks time! LOL....
After that, 11 plus went to Shennie house to "give sch fee" aka mahjong lor.. haha i tot i would be the most loser player hahaha But! no! in fact I lose the least.. 0.80 while shennie think she was kinda suai, she lost $6 plus wor, tat mahjong queen. LOL... oh ya her house got a OREO boy (her dog), v fierce de, haha freaked the hell out of me! hahah i scare of dog lor... btw finally my mahjong skill improve alittle liao heex. =) we played till 6pm, then went home liao... hmm enjoyed the session lor.. hahaha... v relaxing..
Hmm Next monday exam result releasing le! haha.. excited.. nervous... LOL...
yday went for Fairprice Interview for HR position, I must say that I quite liked the 2 ladies that interviewed me.. they really asked HR related questions... like why am I interested in HR line? and where do I see myself in 5 years time tat kind of question!, do I koe hw to use Peoplesoft, a HRM software etc... LOL well the only thing I dislike is tat, she said got to work under a v stressful environment.. -.- hmm and tat they will only let me koe the result in 2 weeks time! LOL....
After that, 11 plus went to Shennie house to "give sch fee" aka mahjong lor.. haha i tot i would be the most loser player hahaha But! no! in fact I lose the least.. 0.80 while shennie think she was kinda suai, she lost $6 plus wor, tat mahjong queen. LOL... oh ya her house got a OREO boy (her dog), v fierce de, haha freaked the hell out of me! hahah i scare of dog lor... btw finally my mahjong skill improve alittle liao heex. =) we played till 6pm, then went home liao... hmm enjoyed the session lor.. hahaha... v relaxing..
Hmm Next monday exam result releasing le! haha.. excited.. nervous... LOL...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Out of Place
Tis afternoon, at 1pm went out of my house as the interview with WDA was at 3.15pm.. yesh went out quite early is becos I dun really know where is the building located at.. wow took Bus 75 the journey was like 1 hour! HAiz.. almost motion sick lor.. hmm.. rched CBD area at 2.05pm.. well missed my stop, so walked back again... was kinda nervous at first, so went to restrooms for like 3 times lor b4 the interview.. well while walking towards the buildiing, I saw alot of office people.. as it was lunch time.. I suddenly felt very out of place... maybe mixed too much with students liao. all of sudden see so many office adults.. I have the urge to hide from the crowd!! HAiz i dun koe wats got into me... Dun koe why I have the feeling... the past phobia? i dun koe.. nvm i will try to conqure it!
anyway back to the interview, well it was at the 16th floor.. WOW.. the scenery was amazing.. if I wasnt tat nervous, i would have taken some shots man.. I could see nicoll highway and also the sea.. plus a part of the whole CBD... Nice! hmm ok out of topic .. hmm I faced great competiton, cos this whole week every time slot has ppl to go interview for the same position, so i dun place too much of hope ba... there were 2 ladies interviewers .. one of them was real frendly, n kpt asking questions de... she asked me wat are my hobbies, background, describe myself and gave me case study interview.. she will ask wat if I have conflict with colleague, hw do i handle etc... well oh ya, I was v embarassed when she asked me "how is yr temperance" I was like stunned! haha.. then dun wan to act smart! so I asked her the meaning lor.. ended up is to tell her my temper lor.. i told her i can be quite impatience, in the end.. LOL.. the whole interview ended like a conflict management session... she kpt asking how do I deal with difficult staff etc... the interview lasted like 20mins.. relieved is over.. hmm nt sure whther hiring nt.. wait for the job agency ppl to call... after tat -..- took 700 bus but wrong directioN! ended at CBD interchange there.. last stop! sianz.. transferred opp to take 700 again lor.. then the agency called! but is not to announce tat i got selected lar.. he asked hw was the interview etc.. in details ok.. asked me hw i feel abt environment, ppl, got chance?, ask wat? really overly caring liao lor.. LOL.. hmm actually was still considering wther should I accept the job if they wan to hire me, cos the journey is quite far. 1hour.. Haiz.. nt so sure....... v vexed though...... another interview next tues with Fairprice.. shall see how... thanks frens for wishing me the best of luck for today's interview. =)
Oh ya.. Toes v paiN! kns court shoes.. lol.....
~Wishes Well~
Status: Blank Minded
anyway back to the interview, well it was at the 16th floor.. WOW.. the scenery was amazing.. if I wasnt tat nervous, i would have taken some shots man.. I could see nicoll highway and also the sea.. plus a part of the whole CBD... Nice! hmm ok out of topic .. hmm I faced great competiton, cos this whole week every time slot has ppl to go interview for the same position, so i dun place too much of hope ba... there were 2 ladies interviewers .. one of them was real frendly, n kpt asking questions de... she asked me wat are my hobbies, background, describe myself and gave me case study interview.. she will ask wat if I have conflict with colleague, hw do i handle etc... well oh ya, I was v embarassed when she asked me "how is yr temperance" I was like stunned! haha.. then dun wan to act smart! so I asked her the meaning lor.. ended up is to tell her my temper lor.. i told her i can be quite impatience, in the end.. LOL.. the whole interview ended like a conflict management session... she kpt asking how do I deal with difficult staff etc... the interview lasted like 20mins.. relieved is over.. hmm nt sure whther hiring nt.. wait for the job agency ppl to call... after tat -..- took 700 bus but wrong directioN! ended at CBD interchange there.. last stop! sianz.. transferred opp to take 700 again lor.. then the agency called! but is not to announce tat i got selected lar.. he asked hw was the interview etc.. in details ok.. asked me hw i feel abt environment, ppl, got chance?, ask wat? really overly caring liao lor.. LOL.. hmm actually was still considering wther should I accept the job if they wan to hire me, cos the journey is quite far. 1hour.. Haiz.. nt so sure....... v vexed though...... another interview next tues with Fairprice.. shall see how... thanks frens for wishing me the best of luck for today's interview. =)
Oh ya.. Toes v paiN! kns court shoes.. lol.....
~Wishes Well~
Status: Blank Minded
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Miserable SOul----
2nd week of so called sch holidays.. beginning to feel v lost.... the stone in my heart is growing heavier.. finally someone called me for interview tml.. WDA, if short-listed, I will need to sign a year bond! ARH! i hate bond, but i like gov job so hw? i;m so vexed.. haiz... as if still not enuff.. I;m down with flu! shit.. kp sneezing n thoart kinda itchy! haiz....... More vexed.
I am sure a loser.. dun koe wat i wan though.. haiz I dun koe why i have the mindset of.. new job, new enviroment, new people... I CANT COPE! i m so paranoid abt it.. I scare I cant handle.. the past phobia is still with me! I;m so miserable...... ARH! Where is the confident and optimistic Amylia? Where? hw do i change my mindset? Haiz...... I totally disgusted by myself......
Seeing other people coping so well in their jobs, can I? hw to? ARH!........
Interview.. Interview... is the time to promote myself again.. HAiz........
Miserable Soul.
I am sure a loser.. dun koe wat i wan though.. haiz I dun koe why i have the mindset of.. new job, new enviroment, new people... I CANT COPE! i m so paranoid abt it.. I scare I cant handle.. the past phobia is still with me! I;m so miserable...... ARH! Where is the confident and optimistic Amylia? Where? hw do i change my mindset? Haiz...... I totally disgusted by myself......
Seeing other people coping so well in their jobs, can I? hw to? ARH!........
Interview.. Interview... is the time to promote myself again.. HAiz........
Miserable Soul.
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