Sunday, December 28, 2008
Shopping and Spring Cleaning
oh well... after that we went to Singapore Expo for Metro Sales.. nothing much there.. we just bought some gers' stuff then went to Tampines Mall for dinner n walk walk over there.. our legs were aching lor.. walked for whole day.. we settled at Coffee Bean for dinner then went cotton on, they having sales, i bought a demin shorts for $10 only.. zhen bought a top for $5! hahahaha value for money ok! =) we really enjyed our mini shopping spree and oso each other company.. haha..
Ok as for today, I didnt go out at all, decided to spring clean my room! and it took like 3 hours lor to do so... I started of with my celing n conny... by using a wet clothe to clean it lor.. then cleaned the top of my cupboards and shelvings.. throwing some stuff away, then wiping the walls, cupboards etc.. wow so tedious n tiring... filled with dusts.. LOL.. but jus glad that now my room is so clean hee hee.. then after that ironed the clothes and wash the toilet.. HAiz so tired by now.. LOL.... Feeling not very good rgt nw... like headache n sore thoart kinda feeling.. haiz...
Till the next post...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Joyus Christmas!!!!

Shall start this entry with the above delicious cake! hahaha...
Today worked from 8.30am to 10.30am, then our whole dept went to Suntec Swensen as Xmas gathering... I went there with my senior manager!! OMG! she drives her hubby's car, which is the latest BMW series.. first time sat in so posh car lor.. her hubby is a pilot (envy lor), and herself is senior manager, so can afford it lor.. Haiz... is just one grain of rice can grow different kind of people lor... anway back to the topic, well we exchanged gift by drawing lots.. then I wished for a $10 NTUC voucher, so that the person who is buying for me wil be easier lor.. haha.. then we also played a game, whereby everyone must vote for someone on their personalities, highest voting will get a small gift.. and I won the "Ms Polite" one -.- but I guess I am more of the "Miss Cheerful" lor.. hahaha.. Wow this year got more presents lor.. 6 gifts from colleagues, 2 from frens.. compared to last year. LOL... quite happy lor.. haha...
After that went to mit zhen at Bugis, at first tot of really to do a shopping lor.. but sian ended up like nth much to buy lor.. spoiler! i guess i too used to buying clothes online le.. those outside de -.- all are quite normal n plain lor.. ahahahaha =x then we headed to JP, me n zhen tot of exploring the new extension of the building.. and also asked irence to join us for dinner.. haha we went to pizza hut.. nt bad their xmas set meal. then walked ard, oso nth much, ended up bought a v nice star necklace!.. LOL.... after tat we all are exhuasted so headed home... anyway nice to hang ard with buddies in xmas eve lor.. hahaha
Ok guys.. once again.. Merriest Christmas! Muacks!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Advance X'mas Celebrations ^^
Ok as for today, Saturday, woke up at 7am!!! for my short run and also went down to Bukit Merak blk 105, the old folks' block, with Wendy, Jasmine, Adrain, Li zhen and irence.. it is Wendy's idea to once again embarked our Journey in community service, we figured tat is time to continue our contribution towards the society!
ok back to my entry, after that we went to TIong Bahru to further discussed the details, so please guys, we aiming for 100 Old folks, so need as much as volunteers as possible! ^^ after tat we changed our focus, shopped for xmas gifts.. haha went to more than words.. bought some gifts.. Wendy, jasmine irence zhen all oso bought gifts for colleague or sis lor.. haha.. den we went off to mit Janice (the birthday ger, as we oso came out to celebrate her bday!) haha.. we met ar raffles place, and ate Tung Le High-tea, haha exchanged gifts again! I got Wendy's gift which is precious moments' poceline cup and a pencil! hee hee so sweet, and Irence got mine, a bath set and oso a cookie mirror.. hahaha .. pics are as follows! ^^ truly enjoyed! oh ya we oso gave Janice's bday present which consist of Myphosis bag and 2 body shop perfume! (credits to Serene and irence).. hahaha after tat we decided to walk from Raffles to city hall.. wow super hot though.. today Wendy shopped like hungry ghost.. lol.. bought a top, 2 dresses, pair of heels and heaps of gifts! LOL.. ahahahaha richie ger but good to pamper urself lar! hee hee.... Janice left at 6 plus., cos she simply too exhausted already... Poor her.. then left 4 of us, went Suntec, walked ard, then Wendy suggested to eat the fondue at the waffle shop.. hahaha simply awlfully delicious yet sinful.. hahaha.. ok after tat Zhen was so excited abt the Precious moments' Big figrine (dun koe hw to spell ^^), hahaah then we went to take some pics of it lor.. hahahaha... first time see her so excited.. like a kid.. hahaha... by the time, we were simply exhausted! 12 hours of being outside, walking most of the time.. dragged our ached legs all the way to mrt lor.. hee hee..
Overall today's gathering was simply enjoyable, but too bad, our another jie mei serene was sick, so did not join us though.. but once again able to mingle with wendy and Janice, who are rare guests in our group de lor.. ahahaha.. talked, laughed, ate and shopped together! they are simplymy jie meis man!.. hahah w/o them, i;m like not much life lor. hee hee.. I love the gifts gers! and would like to wish all :
OK Take Care Guys...
ANd Enjoy the festive Seasons....
With Loves.
Monday, December 15, 2008
When on my way home, somebody grabbed my hand while I was alighting from the train.. shocked, It was a familar face! my Singpost Clement Branch 2nd In-charge.. so happy to her see! lol.. we exchanged few phrases, then she went off le, cos mrt is here.. hahaha able to once see my beloved ex- in charge, i was filled with memories n happiness lor....... Well glad to koe tat my clement branch ppl all still there, so I will make a trip down there soon when CNY nearing! LOL...
ok tml work again! Sianzation.. I need more motivation.........
Monday, December 8, 2008
Long Weekends....
hmm anyway tml work again! so dreadful! Sianz..... Hw I wish I can escape from the CIty Life.... go somewhere that dun have any pressure and dun have so many irritating ppl.. LOL.. Grow my own food! wow..... Shiok!...
Oh ya lately been quite inspired by Little Nonya.. the food i mean.. just feel like gg to Malacca... as a relaxation and oso a eating trip? totally so attracted to Peranakan Culture! LOL... but i have a wish.. hope that one day, I can take long distance bus to Malaysia with a someone.. ok in my dream I meant. lol....
Found that at times my temper is quite bad...... I tell myself I will have to change.. Haiz.. so sorry if I so happened to be rude. Haiz...
OK enuff of my naggy....
See Ya!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sending off 2008~
Basically the year flew like a rocket, is like CNY like just passes only now year end already..
For year 2008, the biggest event was that I finished my studies and entered into working life.... which until now I still cant believe I finished my studies, at times I will miss being a student.. LOL. This year also filled with knowing new friends, get to know my nice colleagues (but not sup), also fren's fren who really brighten my days... But of cos there was also negative event like last week, one of the uncle passing away, which mentioned by me b4, feel that we sld try to do the things tat will make us happy. Also, ever since we graduated, me and my poly mates/buddies are also somehow quite distanced, as they are busy working also, some busy earning extras etc... but will try to ask them for a mahjong session though.. lol... the other sad thing was that, me and my bestest buddy is also distancing, got the feeling that she rather spend time with her beau and her closer group of buddies, oh well.. I shall not disturb her then.... that roughly wraps up my year of 2008! ya i koe, kinda bored year rgt.. hahahaha.
Anyway for the pass few weeks have been toying the idea of whether should I apply for ITe teaching assosicate, been asking around my frens ard me, gathering opinions etc.. then one of my new manager, so happened to be from ITe HR previously, so she enlightned on my doubts lor.. wow the bond is like 3 years ok.. not counting/inlucding (1st year, helping of lecturer) and (2nd year onwards the degree) which they sponsoring, the offcial bond will start only when u completed the studies! what the hell! no cannot.. i doubt I have the energy n determination to be tied down for that many years... so alternative plan.. work with this company till the contract of 1 year ends, then at least for 1 year experience, then hop to a better prospect company, as current company, I;m deemed as temp staff, so not much benefit at all.. oh well..ok endure Amy, given the recession is just right at the doorstep. LOL..... Thank guys! for listening to me naggings!lol
OK I shall stop here..
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Memories Shall Remain with us......
Signing Off........
Sunday, November 16, 2008
SUnday, Haiz rest day ending! Today was rather busy, 9.30am woke up, then went to buy breakfast and ingredients for cooking... washed the toilet, mopped the floor, tidy my room... hahah tired! then asked my cousins to play badminton together.. After tat, started preparing dinner, been so long since I last cooked! haha... so tiring to cook.. so I salute to my mum, always cook after work!
Yearning For it.......
With Loves,
Friday, November 14, 2008
Hmm so far.. work wise, the week was quite busy, cos as recessions set in, more and more ppl finding jobs, thus need to arrange more interviews, v hectic at times... my time passes quite fast when busy lar.. Monday 2nd big boss coming in, cross finger lets pray tat she is nice person yeah? LOL...
tml gg out with zhen zhen! hahaha Happy! Most looked forward to Sats lor.. cos can go out and relax with buddy... : )
Shall Stop Here...
Take Care Guys.....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
*********Life is So Unpredictable*******
You will always live in our memories.......
With Loves,
Sunday, November 9, 2008
09 November 2008
One week did not update my blog... hmmm lets start from Friday.... After work went out with Li Zhen and my pri/sec fren... yep.. both of them did not koe one another at frist... so i;m the faciliator lor... hahahaa... cos zhen hasnt be tat happy due to some reason.. so tot of asking her out lor.. we met at City Hall then went Marks n Spencer to shop for some biscuits and also managed to get a good deal.. a purple basic top that I can wear to work.. Sale Price $15, but still got addtional 20% so the top cost 12! hahaha.. good deal... after tat together 3 of us went Thai Express! as usual, w/o fail... the food is so delicious.. had fire noodle, and 3 side dishes lor..... : ) then went MArina sqaure to shop ard.......
Then Saturday, went for my hair treatment first, after that attended my long distanced relative wedding dinner, bride is like 19 yr old only... the dinner was so so only.. LOL... anyway the whole set up of the wedding dinner wasnt that organised.. is like.. hiccups here n there.. oh well...
as for today, this morning so rare that my parents are off from work, then went to eat rbeakfast with them... Kway Chap... after that went to attend my cousin (Tang Ti) 2nd marriage Hi tea buffet lor.... saw my cousins again.... cos we only get to see one another for 3 times a year... anyway hope tat this time round, his marriage will works, if nt the innocent kids will suffer lor...
OK tml is Monday agaiN~!........ Beginning of new week...... HAiz......
Signing Off...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sun but rainy Day
THis morning, woke up at 8 plus... so happy to see the Sun Shine brightly.. as yday it was raining cats n dogs tat made me cancel my jogging.. so guilty.. then tis morning went for my jog... to compensate my body lor.. fr yday buffet.. haha Anyway... after that decided to clean up my room, threw some clothes away, cos my mama has been nagging saying that my warobe exploding soon.. haha... after that went to my grandma house, haha long time nvr go.. so went there..... always liked to spend time with my grandma, cos seldom has the chance to do so.. and also she is quite old already...
ANyway tml is new week agaiN!.... Sianz... please let it passes faster hahahaha........ but knowing i;m nt the only one who is Sianing... then is ok lar.. cos my buddies all also working, also v sian.. so we motivate one another lor... lol...
Hmmm.. Dun want to think ... yet you kp appearing in my tots.. why? U make me sad once again...... haiz... I wan to step out of this chaos.....
Stopping here........
With Loves,
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Yummy Day!
their mini egg tarts are so fluffy and delicious lor.. I ate 15 mini tarts!! I koe I koe.. tml i will jog ok.. hahahaha.. super duber delicious, cant help it sia! hahhahahaha.. plus tats also the Siew Mai, Har Kaw, Vietnam style popiah, nice beef, fried you tiao, century egg congee, many many more! definitely worth the money... it costed $16.80+ lor... hahaha.. ok we were so full tat after that I went to restroom to puke hahahaha.. den we also skipped our dinner! LOL.. so the meal consist of our lunch and dinner! hahahaha I enjoyed eating with the two gers lor.. chatted.. then zhen was so cute when she is full! hahaha so quiet, kp saying tat she has to eat slowly, if nt will puke! LOL.. so funny sia... hahaha Irence also funny lor.. one last egg tart she insisted she couldnt finish it, then went the waitress clearing it, then she said dun waste, forced herself to eat! LOL... hahaha... ok enuff of food!

After the sumptous meal, zhen said she couldnt immediately take train, so we went to nearby square, and swing! haha.. pics below...
hahaha enjoyed thoroughly! .. hahahah then after tat we made our way to city hall... walked ard.. went to Marina sqaure, then Irence bought 2 tees... oh ya before tat we bought clothes at This Fashion Bugis too.. v super cheap $10 for decent clothes lor.. den after that we went SUntec.. both gers both clothes fr This fashion again.. lol.. oh ya bought a pants fr G2000 $19 only.. nd to wear to work.. hahahaha....
Then reached home at ard 10pm... still nt hungry! lol... hahaha good good..
Anyway, saw alot of couples everywhere..... cant help having the stupid tots again... LOL....
Ok shall stop here...
With Love,
Friday, October 31, 2008
New Blogskin...
Hopefully changing a new me! no more wondering, guessing or wat....... just live for myself!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Weekend Over!
Hmm.. Well, REally v confused, convincing myself that there isnt anything there.. but cant help thinking more n more.... but cant risk losing the situation right now.. Cherish it.. therefore will continue to convince myself.....
Hope Thing Will Be Less Complicated.....
Signing Off...
With Loves
Friday, October 24, 2008
SImply FunnY
First of all, going to work can be sian rgt? hahaha but nt today, as me n zhen managed to catch one another time.. I board fr JE she board fr Clementi, her destination to Kallang mine to raffles.. haha kinda fun, as the day b4 yday zhen saw me at the raffle mrt stat, tat inspired us to mit with one another to go to work.. so tat it makes gg to work becme less torturing? LOL then we agreed tat middle cabin will be the mitting place! lol... then chatted all the way to raffles, well time passed quicker with someone to tok to ok.. hahaha..
Den this morning rched office but no time to enjoy my breakfast, cos nd to set up laptop and projector for orientation.. for 2 new staff.. busy for 1 hour, b4 setting down n enjoy my breakfast. LOL... Then today was Janice last day at CBD area as her training will be ending, and she will be posted to OCBC branch.. haha so asked her out for lunch! yesh! another jie mei of mine today.. nt bad is like once again i have someone to speak freely to.. u koe w/o those 2nd thoughts or thoughts that being filitered when speaking to colleagues.... haha we went for roasted duck/ chicken rice.. then walked ard for a while.. b4 parting.. hahahaha...
Then 5.30pm sharp went off on the dot.. and me n zhen decided to catch one another again.. LOL.. then tats the funniest part.. i asked her to miss call me when her train is here, she said her train was crowded.. so she might wan to get down at my station to mit me.. she will let me koe.. then by the time her train arrived, she nvr say anything so i assume tat she is inside, then i boarded, nvr did i koe our ms zhen went out the train, then nvm i went to tanjong pagar to mit her lor.. hahahaha so funny.. like playing hide n seek. LOL but had fun lar. LOL... Went to clementi to threat eyebrow.. hahahaa..
Tml and sunday gg out! yeah... sld be enjoyin myself.
Signing off...
With Loves,
Saturday, October 18, 2008
18th October 2008 (23th Birthday Cleebration)
Firstly, yesterday, finally get to meet up with the gers! with full attendance ok! LOL.... ok let me start right fr the beginning, yday went out my house earlier so to go John Little to purchase my facial products, because they are having member sales again.. then after that went to mit Janice, Li zhen and Irence first, as both Serene and Wendy will join as later.. then few of us went to have lunch at Yoshinoya first then we went to Suntec to purchase movie tickets, we watched House BUnny, very nice girlie show.. LOL and funny too.. Hmm that was the time when serene rched.. and Bryan all of sudden also popped out! hahaha I was very surprised, as he had been telling me that he cant make it lor.. lol.. speechless when see him lor.. LOL... hmm then we went Gloria Jeans to drink coffee.. shortly after that BRyan left after passing me the present... v nice n sweet of him.. =) of cos lar.. always bully me.. so nd some compensation lor.. haha.. then after the movie, we went to boat quay TCC to have our dinner and chill there, hmm that was where wendy also showed up.. the food was damn delicious drinks too.. v yummy, sinful and satisfied lor... hahaha then the jie meis gve me the presents! oh gosh... first time in 4 years Janice finally in charge of buying presents lor! always she is the one who sit back n chip in the money only.. hahahahah thanks gers for giving me surprise and also presents plus cake ok.. hahahah ok I shot some of the presents that I received... here u go.............
2) From the 5 sistas
3) From Bryan
4) From Ying Hui sis
5) My Jie Mei Group Photo

6) Some Self - Camwhoring

Thank you once again my precious frens for taking the effort to show up and not forgetting my brithday... thanks for the wishes too...
With Love!.....
The most unforgettable bday year....
Friday, October 17, 2008
A week filled with surprises!
Thank you so much to them...
Hmm ok tml is the day! celebrate with my Jie Meis...
Last but not least....
Happy 23th Birthday to Sabrina, Cai Fen and Myself!..
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday Blue Blue and Coffee ADdict!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Birthday Gathering with Ite cum Poly Frens....

OK as for the past week, was busy, things are getting busier, as I am being exposed to more work lar..... trying to learn learn learn lor.. at times hope my english is better, cos my supervisor her english is so good lor... then at times when she see me typing emails, I will feel extra stressed lor.. cos my grammar and phrasing are nt tat good lor..... LOL........
Anyway really look forward to next sat outing with my group of jie meis, hope full attendance lor.. hahaha.... and once again would like to thank my frens.. =)
(P.S. bringing my Kitty bread box, I bet i will feel happy when I see it in the morning.. haha)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday (04/10/08)
Then today went IMM with my sis, so rare to go out with her, cos she always she n her bf's world. LOL.. we went there to eat lunch and also bought my dad's sport shoes, went to new balance factory outlet lor.... after tat we went to lOT1 to walk.. cos koe tat lot 1 having Bega Atrium sale lor.. went to buy a office top $10.. nor mal looking one.. lol..
There goes my Sunday! here comes the Monday again.. Sianzation...... Sorrie, me nagging again.. LOL...
OK la... hope the week sails quickly to Friday again!...
Till the next Post........
Friday, October 3, 2008
Back in Action!
ok enuff of work... Well is weekends agaiN! yeah yeah, it passes v fast though.. haha but i still get to meet up with my frens n shop! hahahaha Yipee.!
Hmm btw, my buddy carol birthday is Monday, tot Ann will organise a gathering today so as a form of celebrating i suppose, but nvr hear fr her le.. so this year, i nt v sure whther will we mit up for carol's bday nt lar. haiz but I koe carol n her own buddies will be organising their chalet for her bday.. so nvm at least she will be enjoying herself.. At times, I feel tat... we arent as close as we once were.. dun koe.. jus some weird thinkngs again... LOL.......
Oh ya to those Malay frens.. Selemat Hari Raya Adifitri!! haha i koe is quite late.. but nvrtheless enjoy the cookies n food huh! =)
Till The Next Post
`With Loves`
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Super Broke!
Ok.. think i really got to be thrifty till i get my salary.. LOL...
Signing Off...
Friday, September 26, 2008
OK.. till the next post...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
"Road is filled with obstacles....... I need someone to walk with me....."
Taking Things for Granted.....
Well GER, life is tough... full of obstacles... now u r fortunate tat u see his true color, nt only after the marriage or wat, which is too late.. Be strong.. u have yr family n us ard yeah! Cheers.
Friday, September 19, 2008
5 Days of Work..
nice? ya is esplande, spore river view. heex.. nice.. i can see the same view fr the staff lounge.. LOL..
ok tats for the day.. Chaos......
Monday, September 15, 2008
~First Day at Work~
hmm today 6plus checked the results! Yesh.. marked my offcial graduating fr NP already... nt bad.. got (IB=A), (IBS= B+), (CRM = B), (EBA=A), (FIT=B+)... so great.. hahaha then went to work.. i seriously hate taking bus during peak hours! i swear i gg to buy mrt concession! took bus at abt 7.05am.. rched abt 8.15am! my work starts at 8.30am! so panicked, i really prayed hard on bus hope tat i wun be late lor.. cos dun like to be late, prefer to be early, eat bread n go toilet de lor! haiz.. highway traffic was like a tortise, then orchard area so many ppl dropped off.. KNS!
Reached office, then no one ard yet, so waited at the reception.. then one of the colleagues came, then briefly told me wat to do..she also one year contract de... but almost over le her contract, hmm taught me if got orientation, nd to set up projector etc.. then My direct sup today was on training so left me alone.. then i went to the library/files room to sort those personal files of wda staff lor... took me abt whole day.. then helped with some kit etc.. hmm that colleague went off halfday today.. so was really alone lor.. basically the department consist of 2 junior officer which is me n the coll... plus 4 higher ranking staff... well in there, a diploma cert is like nothing lor.. cos my bosses have those bachelor 2nd honoured something quali.. lOl... then after work , went to take tat bloody bus! haiz i boarded from 3 rd bus stop fr the terminal u koe.. n the bus was already full packed with standing passengers! wow lau... Sianz.. the journey took 1 hr plus again.. Jam jam jam! hate it>! LOL ok enuff of the complain.. although i did nt learnt much today, i can feel tat the workload is kinda heavy.. will get heavier.. jus wan to tell myself, try my best to learn n see how.. .. =)
A Small Fly with a Blister Toe at work! LOL
Flying off ~~~~~~~~~
Thursday, September 11, 2008
New Chapter of LIfe
THis few days v paraniod, v afraid that what is i cant cope, colleagues dun like me? etc etc... v depressed kind of feeling... LOL... haha.. I dun koe... alot of what ifs.. well nt much confidence but thanks my fren for "passing me yr confidence" hor hahaha...
But i just gg to tell myself tat, just learn.. dun koe ask! dun give up kind of attitude! JIA YOU! =) hmm got to wake up v early from monday onwards and rch home 7 plus liao.. haiz haiz.. hahahaha ... and tats still Monday releasing of exams results! wow i guess i wun be able to slp on sunday's nite liao.. too anxious and excited! LOL..
Hmm... Student transforming to the full working adult liao! need some time to adapt though.... All the best to me!!!
Signing off........
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
yday went for Fairprice Interview for HR position, I must say that I quite liked the 2 ladies that interviewed me.. they really asked HR related questions... like why am I interested in HR line? and where do I see myself in 5 years time tat kind of question!, do I koe hw to use Peoplesoft, a HRM software etc... LOL well the only thing I dislike is tat, she said got to work under a v stressful environment.. -.- hmm and tat they will only let me koe the result in 2 weeks time! LOL....
After that, 11 plus went to Shennie house to "give sch fee" aka mahjong lor.. haha i tot i would be the most loser player hahaha But! no! in fact I lose the least.. 0.80 while shennie think she was kinda suai, she lost $6 plus wor, tat mahjong queen. LOL... oh ya her house got a OREO boy (her dog), v fierce de, haha freaked the hell out of me! hahah i scare of dog lor... btw finally my mahjong skill improve alittle liao heex. =) we played till 6pm, then went home liao... hmm enjoyed the session lor.. hahaha... v relaxing..
Hmm Next monday exam result releasing le! haha.. excited.. nervous... LOL...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Out of Place
anyway back to the interview, well it was at the 16th floor.. WOW.. the scenery was amazing.. if I wasnt tat nervous, i would have taken some shots man.. I could see nicoll highway and also the sea.. plus a part of the whole CBD... Nice! hmm ok out of topic .. hmm I faced great competiton, cos this whole week every time slot has ppl to go interview for the same position, so i dun place too much of hope ba... there were 2 ladies interviewers .. one of them was real frendly, n kpt asking questions de... she asked me wat are my hobbies, background, describe myself and gave me case study interview.. she will ask wat if I have conflict with colleague, hw do i handle etc... well oh ya, I was v embarassed when she asked me "how is yr temperance" I was like stunned! haha.. then dun wan to act smart! so I asked her the meaning lor.. ended up is to tell her my temper lor.. i told her i can be quite impatience, in the end.. LOL.. the whole interview ended like a conflict management session... she kpt asking how do I deal with difficult staff etc... the interview lasted like 20mins.. relieved is over.. hmm nt sure whther hiring nt.. wait for the job agency ppl to call... after tat -..- took 700 bus but wrong directioN! ended at CBD interchange there.. last stop! sianz.. transferred opp to take 700 again lor.. then the agency called! but is not to announce tat i got selected lar.. he asked hw was the interview etc.. in details ok.. asked me hw i feel abt environment, ppl, got chance?, ask wat? really overly caring liao lor.. LOL.. hmm actually was still considering wther should I accept the job if they wan to hire me, cos the journey is quite far. 1hour.. Haiz.. nt so sure....... v vexed though...... another interview next tues with Fairprice.. shall see how... thanks frens for wishing me the best of luck for today's interview. =)
Oh ya.. Toes v paiN! kns court shoes.. lol.....
~Wishes Well~
Status: Blank Minded
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Miserable SOul----
I am sure a loser.. dun koe wat i wan though.. haiz I dun koe why i have the mindset of.. new job, new enviroment, new people... I CANT COPE! i m so paranoid abt it.. I scare I cant handle.. the past phobia is still with me! I;m so miserable...... ARH! Where is the confident and optimistic Amylia? Where? hw do i change my mindset? Haiz...... I totally disgusted by myself......
Seeing other people coping so well in their jobs, can I? hw to? ARH!........
Interview.. Interview... is the time to promote myself again.. HAiz........
Miserable Soul.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
~Keppel Bay TCC~

OK end of photos... oh ya the group pic was janice's bf Melvin shot for us one... quite pai seh at first.. but he insisted on helping us.. nice of him :) after that janice left with her bf le.. left 3 of us, went back vivo walked walked b4 gg back... : P enjoyed chatting with the gers.... : )
Friday, August 29, 2008
Happy Teacher's Day!!!!!!
like Mr Alex lor (my HR teacher)
Mrs Ng (my COS microsoft teacher)
Mrs Lim C K (My COS bookeeping teacher)
Mr Jonathan (my ERP teacher)
Ms Eunice Ang (Business statistic cum interact club advisor)
Ms Dorothy (the discipling teacher -.-)
Ms Jenn Foo (nt my teacher) lol
hahhahaha Teng Dah!!! finally Mr GEORGE! yesh... appeared... he is stilll as charming as handsome and as cute as last time!!! haha totally friendly..... and concern for us! lol... we stood at his table for like 30mins to chat... lol... asked us hw we doing, wat we plan to do etc... hahaha well really enjoyed once again able to see n chat with george! :) well we took some pics though..:P hmm oh ya, i went to co-op shop to look ard. OMG! great memories.. although nt much stuff on the shelvings... but the basic formation of furnitures are the same... haiz made me thought back of last time, when the shop was fully operated by us.. : ) hahaha... hmm.. den after that we agreed to ate lunch in sch canteen! to bring back some old memories! hahaha.. ate the Yong Tau HU!.. v cheap.. picked alot of things only $3... if in NP.. is will costs like 4 plus le lo.. hahaha... really enjoyed spending time with my ite frens once again! haiz.. nw all busy with own stuff.. is so rare to be able to catch up lor.. LOL... nvm hope danny will really as promised arrange a chalet hor.. :P
Ok tml is a mini gathering for me, janice, irence n zhen.... kinda look forward.. : )
Signing off......
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Seoul and Movie......
Hmm... Haiz I am such a spender!! whenever I go out, will have a habit of purchasing something.. this time round, purchased a cocktail black dress! I koe... wun be using it nw, but it definitely v worth for money, tats why i bought.. usual price $69.90.. nw got 70% so after disc is like $20.97!! GOOD BARGAIN! blink blink! hahaha... Ok dun let my mama koes.. hahahaha if nt.. NAG Galore! lol........
so look forward to this friday.. gg back to the place where we belong! ITE! to see our georgie! =)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Borrowed my favorite book "Last Concubine" abit like geisha... read the whole evening! I guess a cup of coffee with a book in hand is a luxury, v relaxing..
Yesterday nite... before gg to bed, being enlightened, i guess it really takes two hands to clap.. is quite tiring when u r clapping with one hand... maybe is time to stop the clapping though. =) tough decision.. bothered by it. lol..
I guess at times ppl wun appreciate yr kindness. maybe is better to be bad person then .. :)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday ------- 23th Aug
after that Home Sweet Home........................................................
"It really needs two hands to clap"...."Keep using one hand is too tiring.........."
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday-22th Aug
Hmm met irence for movie at CWP just nw.. we watched MEET DAVE... well 4 stars! hahaha super duber funny! and nice show... laughed till we stomach pain can! hahaha...... oh ya.. forgot to add this in.. yday when I was at Chinatown, oh gosh, I kept seeign Cina women approaching those old ah pek.. like ask them to name a price and u koe.... haiz.... i see i also blushed lor..... anyway maybe is a way to earn their livings ba. ok today offcially all my frens finished their exams le! hooray. relieved of those stresses.. hahaha except for one lar. hope he can pass all his exams... no worries.. I koe u can make it one.. cos they will moderate the paper, if there is alot of failures. Ok tml is sat! gg to mit lizhen and irence to shop! haha... yesh...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Cute Cute Girl!
Seriously liked her alot.. hahaha make me have the urge to be a mum.. seeing such a kid and bright little one!... oh ya.. i;m the God Yi Yi.. cos her mum is my mum god daughter lor! heex.
After that, went to Chinatown to shop ard... bought those shampoo n stuff which aqre relatively cheap over there.. but today was very tired and slpy whole day.. maybe cos morning i only drank half a cup of my kopi lor.. haha.. so sianz...... having a mild headache nw... sianz... tml watching movie! yesh! hahaha ........