Ok as for today, Saturday, woke up at 7am!!! for my short run and also went down to Bukit Merak blk 105, the old folks' block, with Wendy, Jasmine, Adrain, Li zhen and irence.. it is Wendy's idea to once again embarked our Journey in community service, we figured tat is time to continue our contribution towards the society!
ok back to my entry, after that we went to TIong Bahru to further discussed the details, so please guys, we aiming for 100 Old folks, so need as much as volunteers as possible! ^^ after tat we changed our focus, shopped for xmas gifts.. haha went to more than words.. bought some gifts.. Wendy, jasmine irence zhen all oso bought gifts for colleague or sis lor.. haha.. den we went off to mit Janice (the birthday ger, as we oso came out to celebrate her bday!) haha.. we met ar raffles place, and ate Tung Le High-tea, haha exchanged gifts again! I got Wendy's gift which is precious moments' poceline cup and a pencil! hee hee so sweet, and Irence got mine, a bath set and oso a cookie mirror.. hahaha .. pics are as follows! ^^ truly enjoyed! oh ya we oso gave Janice's bday present which consist of Myphosis bag and 2 body shop perfume! (credits to Serene and irence).. hahaha after tat we decided to walk from Raffles to city hall.. wow super hot though.. today Wendy shopped like hungry ghost.. lol.. bought a top, 2 dresses, pair of heels and heaps of gifts! LOL.. ahahahaha richie ger but good to pamper urself lar! hee hee.... Janice left at 6 plus., cos she simply too exhausted already... Poor her.. then left 4 of us, went Suntec, walked ard, then Wendy suggested to eat the fondue at the waffle shop.. hahaha simply awlfully delicious yet sinful.. hahaha.. ok after tat Zhen was so excited abt the Precious moments' Big figrine (dun koe hw to spell ^^), hahaah then we went to take some pics of it lor.. hahahaha... first time see her so excited.. like a kid.. hahaha... by the time, we were simply exhausted! 12 hours of being outside, walking most of the time.. dragged our ached legs all the way to mrt lor.. hee hee..
Me and my sweet wrapped gift from Wendy
Part 2 of my gift! a Precious moment's porcelain cup and cute pencil!
Janice with her gift from zhen! a v nice organiser 2009 with our group pic! so thoughtful zhen!
Wendy with her cute MOO MOO piggy bank from Janice! (Pink one suits her more!) lol
Irence with my Bath lavender set and cookie mirror! (Irence remember to use it huh) ^^
Me and Irence!
4 Jie meis! zhen taking pic.. haha
Precious Moments' figurine
The Whole Group!!!
Overall today's gathering was simply enjoyable, but too bad, our another jie mei serene was sick, so did not join us though.. but once again able to mingle with wendy and Janice, who are rare guests in our group de lor.. ahahaha.. talked, laughed, ate and shopped together! they are simplymy jie meis man!.. hahah w/o them, i;m like not much life lor. hee hee.. I love the gifts gers! and would like to wish all :
Now left with my ITE gathering! Haiz... no one is ever taking initiatives except we few!.. LOL.. everyone doesnt seems to express interest or bother to organise.. LOL...
OK Take Care Guys...
ANd Enjoy the festive Seasons....
With Loves.
OK Take Care Guys...
ANd Enjoy the festive Seasons....
With Loves.
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