Jasmine, our senior fr interact club.. like 2 years since we last saw her wor.. at first they afraid tat there wun be topic to chat.. but hahaha with me ard! of cos there will be topics de lor.. we took pics, chatted on bGr, work, ite days etc and JOKES! hahahha she laughed till buay tahan lor.. then serene only joined us in the evening cos she rushing project.. as for janice, haiz called her 2 plus, she said she overslept.. then 5 plus called her again she still say she overslept.. then tell her nvm is ok.. asked her next time then mit us lor.. maybe she really busy n tired ba.. : ) then wendy left at 6plus.. cos she rushing to another fren's celebration lor.. left with 5 of us, we went Suntec.. to have our dinner at Hans.. then went to Coffee bean to chill lor...
Overall, once again, would like to say tat.. i enjoyed spending time with the jie meis wor! haha... can really be myself, jokes with them etc.. and they give me good advises with certain stuff... =x haha... pic for viewing! :P

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