Well let me update you on my being first (dun care, even u dun want to know) haha...
Work has been really busy.. heaps of events gg on.. need to support the logistics etc.. Hate to do those idiotic shit work, but no choice, is part of HR job.. lol.. well been busy with alot of data entries cos we are gg to install a training system (Sux) hahaha i am one of the administrator lor.. haiz.. predict will be damn busy lor.. lets pray hard that everything will be better... lol....
Anyway personal life wise, everything is still the same.. Mon to Fri work.. weekends will look forward to go out with frens.. but GSS period now.. already started to purchase my Dorothy Perkins clothes.. (tops and bottoms) I knoe!!! I have to be thrifty.. but u all oso koe, I am her great fans u koe.. :P hahahah I predict I will buy few more pieces lol.. till the sales end..! hahahhaa... Utterly broke! please 12 June faster come..! hee hee..
OK finished updating.. today well went out with Joanne my pri cum sec sch fren.. went City Hall walked walked then went Raffles Zhou's kitchen ate Hi-Tea DIm SUm buffet... then went Chinatown walked ard.. v tired and sleepy.. dun koe why.... Yawnz.. Haiz tml is Sunday again.. eek eek.... OK time to rest.. hahaha

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