Monday, June 30, 2008
Stress Reduction Day
Friday, June 27, 2008
Interactive Business Skills
Oh the only thing I like this module is becos, it really train your courage lor.. imagine me toking to a tutor/client tat so demanding lor.. furthermore tutor is making thing difficult for us, she said she purposely does tat, to test our skills..! haha.. another thing is tat.. it will be quite useful for us in the future ba.. hahaha
Ok enuff of my nagging liao... lots of things to do next week...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Fish Spa >>~~~>'
It suddenly hit me that how blessed I am.. though I often complain and displeased of my looks etc.. but at least I;m healthy and able to move ard.... So do not take for granted the simplicity of basic functionality we have. Some where in this world, there is a bunch of people who yearn for just tat.
Anyway today woke up 6plus as class starts at 8am.. haiz.. v jia liat.. difficult to wake up.. ok serve me rgt, 8am class was I chosen myself de, cos the greed of gg home early is there lor.. hahaha.. well the tutor and the module just sux! the module is very cruel.. expose us to the ugly side of ppl, for e.g. discrimination, war n preduice.. haiz.. I listened till almost falling alsp lor.. the tutor also v KNS de lar.. haha... After that another class, which is much better de.. haha Human commmunicaiton, more logic n positive.. lol.. hmm teammates also v funny .. then after tat went clementi central to have lunch with my frens... Ok tml is friday liao! yipee.. wkends are here once again!!! =)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Mounting up
Things are just not smooth...
Be there for me will u?
Monday, June 23, 2008
Ok just nw was changing the plaster dressing.. eeek like so pain like tat.. when applying antiseptic cream still kind sting sting pain.. hahaha no scar plz! haha
tml onwards stepping into war zone le... all the way till exams liao.. which is Aug le.. v busy... projects submissions, presentations and exams!!!!! all the way le...
I need my doze of chicken essense le!!!!!!!!
Btw thanks frens for the concerns.. well becos of this incident, I koe tat, i have lot of frens who aare very concern for me.. heez..touchy touchy.....
SIgning off....
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Kissed by a Car...
well alot of frens called n smsed me.. to show their concern.. thanks guys ... really appreciated it.. lesson learnt, next time make sure car stopped first then I will proceed lor.. nw when i see road, car n zebra line.. I will feel scared.. phobia lor..... haiz....... oh ya tml the driver coming to my place, to pay the medical fee . got myseld a mc tml... haha fr sch!
Suai.......... but Thank god lor.. that the speed of the car was nt fast .. if nt.. Hospital i guess I will be.....
Saturday, June 21, 2008
We went to walk alttle at AMK central first, then cant stand the hungers le both of us, 4pm proceeded to the steam boat place lor.. nt bad, the place, nt much ppl... nice place to eat n chat with frens, we ate for like 3 hours lor.. hahah ate slowly and chi chat lor... Just the two of us, really can chat lor.. koe more abt zhen personal life liao lor.. heez......n I think she laughed so much tonite lor.. hahahaha.. glad tat I made her laughed tat much wor.. first laughing point was this picture lor.. she said the ice cream looked cute n huge.. just some funny shots lar..

Friday, June 20, 2008
Nothing better to do, so I went to read all my frenster comments, practically some were written a decade ago liao.. hahaha.. I cant help laughed at some comments and also my mind was flooded with fond memories... for e..g from my buddy carol, was saying in 2004, we were knwing one another, but nt tat close... or from my ite classmates commenting, I;m horny person like to touch them.. haha craps~!
Love reading those comments fr others abt me, able to help me to have reflection for myself, and also refreshed my memories once again, as I;m nt so young anymore, wll tend to be forgetful ba..
Well once again, would like to thanks all my ITE buddies, frens for acompanying me walk down this path for 5 years already, when I fell along the way, u guys were the ones who cheer n encourage me.. u guys showed me "how does it feel to have frens", as u guys also koe I used to be a v quiet person and with no true frens at all during sec.. becos of u guys, I began to open up myself, therefore u guys are the mastermind of changing me into such a talkative person oh! hahaha.... ok i koe.. i;m being emo nw, cos is at nite.. nth to do, so decided to be a sentimental creature... hahaha..
well i;m glad although graduated from ITE for like almost 3 years already, but still kp in contact with my jiemeis group which koe them from interact club CCA, tats like 6 of us, from diff breed de lor.. ACc, BIT etc.. yet we can click lor.. till nw, when I got problem, will definitely approach them de.. heez... and thanks for helping n worrying for my happiness as well wor... i koe u guys concern abt me.. hahaha n I am glad I brought laughter to some of u guys lor.. those quiet ones huh.. hahaha eeee i so thick skinned lor.. lol praising myself hahaha.... kk btw No worries ger, I will try to organise more gatherings ok? : ) make sure we will grow old together wor.. n plz hor, any of u get married, We wil be the bridemaids huh.. heez....
Another ITE group is none other but my own KN classmates group.. Hmmm most of them are guys, few gers only, and grateful to carol, she helped me to dun feel shy to mix with guys, as last time i;m such a shy shy bun.. hahaha... becos of Carol again, I found my best of best fren.. the closest fren.. that I can tell her everything de.. hahaha... when think back, i really feel fortunate and thank god that i got to mit her, n we becme best of best fren, although at times we do have conflicts or misunderstandings, but we will be fine soooner or later.. hahaha... hmm KN group, is getting smaller n smaller lor. only those regulars left lor. u guys koe who u r, hw i wish Joe they all can be more free, n mit with us lor.. i koe they are busy with their work.... although i wun say tat I can confide any problems with them, as they are guys lar.. but I;m still glad to be part of the group, as no matter wat, after so many years, we have promoted to good frens liao.. hahaha..
oh ya.. forgot another close fren of mine.. hahahaha.. My pri cum sec sch mate, who is the only one surviving i guess.. hahaha.. nice knowing her too.. although she always like siao siao de.. haha.. but a ver nice person lor... my shopping khakis lor.. hahaha..
Last but nt least.. a bunch of my ite cum poly classmates.. although we only koe one another for like 2 years in poly, i must say that w/o u guys ard, I wun be able to strive and work hard on projects lor.. thanks to u guys that, I have frens in poly lor, tat will eat lunch with me etc... as u guys also koe, b4 transferring to be with u guys, I was a loner ranger in poly, v stressed, almost quitted, hahaha but after being with u guys, at least tats ppl ard to support me.. hahaha thanks.. Well nw we left with like 1 mth plus to be clsasmates, i sincerely hope tat, after poly we still can contact n find free time to mit up lor.. dun MIA can liao.. haha
Wow that was the longest post that i ever written, nw my mind is drowsy liao.. hope nt much grammar mistakes huh....
Those frens that I only came briefly in contact with, u guys also somehow left a footstep in my life too....
Thanks once again....
Fried Day----
Well today whole day was kinda moody... cos someone nvr reply the sms lor.. haha.. ok i:m being too emo again.. hahaha.. well but i dun tink tat is asking for too much to expect a reply.. hahaha... we just can chat in msn only? no sms huh? -.-
At times I really wish for a meeting, to see how it goes.. yet on the other hand also quite afraid.. but by hood or crook we will meet... :)
Btw Zhen is having so much stress for her projects and also with her group mates... haiz just hope she can be her happy self once again.. when would like to mit her tml lor.. to cheer her up... =)
Yearning for A break.............
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008
Monday Blue...
Just nw, haiz quite sad lor.. my poly mates last min asked me out tml after project to orchard to catch a movie, I am very pai seh that I turn them down, frens who koe me will koe tat, I weekdays cannot last min ask my mum to nt cook my share de lor for dinner... cos 3 persons eating in total, then minus me, it will left with 2 persons also equavilent to throwing away of food lor.. haiz. i koe my poly frens are somehow unhappy abt it.. I really hope they can understand, if its weekends or wat, i;m more willing to go lor.. .. Haiz...........
Quotes for myself
"Is it good to meet up nw?"
"Confusion leads to disaster?"
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Lazy Sunday
Ok here we go..... This morning woke up like 9.20am.. have my usual Kopi.. then sat in front of tv haha... to watch my weekends "LE LE HUO" is kids channel lar.. but nice .. haha see i;m still young after all... after that decided to go for my jog.. Cos.. i figured that after all the sinful indulgence yday I had, i should burn something off.. Lol.. ran for abt 35mins only.. came home bathed then went out to CWP to walk walk, went to the john little to redeem my free gift, only for membership.. but chey tot some goodie or wat, ended up a small little pen...! haha.. Hmm.. then went civic center wanted to find wendy as she having road show there, saw her toking with her colleague then didnt approach her lor.. seeing her wear polo tee (uniform)so weird .. cos she always Pink de.. hahaa... then after CWP I went Admiralty station to meet my online seller again.. to collect 2 tops which I purchased long time ago lor.. haha nw then rched.. then went to BPP walk walk.. haha.. Wanted to help my dad to check whther the Haagen Daz ice cream having promotion nt, cos he simply addicted to it le.. thanks to carol lol... but i insist that when they have promo then we should buy... cos is cheaper... haha ok auntie me again.... Then bought subway home to share with my mum..... Tats nt the end of the day yet lor... evening we went to have temple dinner lor.. nt bad the food.. hahahaa.....
Ok... I;m slpy nw.. tml is nd to go back to my dearest sch to do project... YuckS! hahahhaa... counting down few days more to sch reopen again .. bloody sianz!
Quote for Myself
"Let nature takes it lead"
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Quotes for myself
"Need to Speak out More"
"Be Yourself"
"Leave it to Destiny"
Thursday, June 12, 2008
JB Trip....
thats for today... haha at least get to enjoy alttle for this break lor.. Sian... tml gg back to sch again...
till the next entry...........
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Quotes of the Day
"Can I trust You?"
"Are you reliable like what I perceived?"

Monday, June 9, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008
Mine, which is out of shape! haha
Compared with my mum's dumpling.. haha
Overall, it tasted delicious oh! hahha.. just that it is not salty enuff.. haha... the glutinous rice is very smooth and tender.. hmmm... it is really different from those puchased ones.. as "own-made" ones are more special and nicer... haha cos involve hard work. Lol...
Is another Day Again..
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Paper Over.. =)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Just Another Day...
Just finished my badminton session with my cousin again haha... This few days do not need to go to sch, thus is like practically everyday will mix with my cousin who is like 7 years younger than me lor.. but i dun see the age gap la.. we click along pretty well.. heez.. play, joke, argue and laugh together.. muhahaa.. well cos she stays belows me only., thus able to play badminton, run, and go out easily.. hahaha... at least got someone pei me lor.. cos my sister always busy with her sch work or beau and not interested to go out with me de.. haha..
This is my cousin... hahaha opps gg to strangle by her liao ahaha....
Oh ya... anyway... I am looking forward for tml's as we are gg to grandma house to have dinner together.. been long time since I last go to my grandma house le.. very weird, when i go to her house, i often have the feeling of happiness/ coziness / sense of belongingness.. haha cos my grandma, aunt all that, are very good to me ba... hahahaa... love to chat with them.. and those cousins of mine.. muhahahaa....
OK... switching topic... everyday is getting better and better I guess.... even with the irregularity of chattings, I am still happy cos I koe u nd yr own space to do yr own stuff too.... and that at least u take the effort to chat at times.. muhaha...
Will Be BACk....
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Morning Bird....