Thursday, June 5, 2008

Paper Over.. =)

This afternoon went out of my house at ard 12.. cos the paper was like 1.30pm, went out slightly earlier to go interchange to top up my concession.. well 7mins walk fr my house, by the time i rched there then realised I did not bring my wallet, so have to walk back to my blk there, then ask my sis to pass to me.. eeek.. suai.. then walked back to interchange again haha.. by the time i on the bus, it started to pour heavily.. yucks.. worst still, my test hall is up on the hill.. so I was like half wet by then.. lol Ok the paper wasnt that bad, just made some careless mistakes here and there... but guess is passable ba.. hahaha well this sem common test is the slackest, cos only got one paper, hmmm ahead is the 2 weeks break.. haiz,,...but need to do projects lor.. predict almost 50% of the break will be in sch...

After the test, accompanied my frens to eat Botak Jones, it looked real delicious, and the portion was so big lor.. haha.. then went to my grandma house le, rched there abt 4 plus... slack ard again, chit chat with my cousins, grandma and aunt they all.. haha.. I playfully took 2 pics of my cute cousin (with her "stylo hats" lol)... show u....

She is cute yet is playful lor... hahaha... ok ok back to the topic..... after dinner just watched tv then after that took a cab home liao.. hahaha.. tats abt it.... but again enjoyed the gathering much.. =)

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