We went to walk alttle at AMK central first, then cant stand the hungers le both of us, 4pm proceeded to the steam boat place lor.. nt bad, the place, nt much ppl... nice place to eat n chat with frens, we ate for like 3 hours lor.. hahah ate slowly and chi chat lor... Just the two of us, really can chat lor.. koe more abt zhen personal life liao lor.. heez......n I think she laughed so much tonite lor.. hahahaha.. glad tat I made her laughed tat much wor.. first laughing point was this picture lor.. she said the ice cream looked cute n huge.. just some funny shots lar..

Hmm the food so so only, cos the chickens, fishes those poultry are nt marinated de, so it tasted blend.. but i liked the fried popiah.. hahaha.. v nice oh... well i guess given the price which is $15 Nett, is quite worth it lor.. hahahhaa... after that we went to AMK HUB to shop lor.. cos we tot that we need to stroll ard for digestion lor, v bloated... haha zhen bought a pair of flip flops which is damn damn cute lor... Hmm then we went ntuc and saw swimming costumes offer!.. finally i get to buy my swimming costume le, after so much of comparing of prices lor.. haha $19.90 for a swimming costumer is cheap le lor.. haha.. ok at first tried a striking neon pink de.. OMG! sux! hahaha.. then went cashier to pay for the costume, and guess wat! when me n zhen were abt to exit le, I relised that one of the swimming costume i tried earlier on that I did nt want de, i forgot to put it back, it was dangling on my arm lor! gosh!!!! lucky I discovered b4 walking pass the sensor lor.. phew! hahaha..... that zhen laughed non-stop lor.. kns.. hahaha... ok after that we went hoome le.. heez......
Hmm although it was only 2 of us only, but I guess i enjoyed it.. haha the chit chatting n everything.. felt so relaxed lor! hahaha.. K ger... stress is only for this period only ok? haha.. after this nt so bad le oh! haha.. U have us!
P.S.: Today did nt mit, but I still look forward to mitting u again.. =)
1 comment:
I assume that you haven't figure out who the hell I am la hur! =)
This is Ying Hui over here!
Yesh, that Ying Hui whom you know from Ngee Ann's Year 1 Orientation Group. =)
Remember now? hahaha.
Anyway, ganbatte all right! And regarding the questions in your heart.. You know the answer. Fight all those uncertainty babe! Be confident! =)
You can when you believe in yourself.
Come to think of it. You and I are facing the same thing, same reaction, same thinking, same uncertainty.
Tell you something.. I think I just made him angry and piss off by me.. ==" hais.
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