The experienced I had was really unforgettable, in the beginning of the session, there was a partially blind staff introduced to us their association and what do they conduct the dinning session... Den we proceeded to another side of the house, we were instructed to go in 2 at a time and with our hands holding the shoulder of the person who is in front of us... den we were told to keep our eyes shut so as to adjust to the pitch darkness of the room....
Me and my colleagues were very nervous and panicked, cos we were afraid that wat if we overturned the plates or break the glasses... LOL off we went... Hmm the server was also blind.. den she is a ver kind lady, brought me to my seats (as they are trained and v familar with the layout of the room).. hold my hand and put it on my table and told me that this is my chair... I felt very helpless and alittle scared.. cos is completely dark, and I felt weird, cos my eyes need to slowly get used to the darkness... Our hearing senses are sharper, as our eyes are unable to see anything... first dish was mushroom soup, it was super duber nice, everything was nice, so we concluded that, our taste buds also becme sharper... Some of them spilled their soup, and also we are to pour ourselves drinks from a jar in the room itself, can u imagine, how scary it was, we truly afraid that we were overpour it.. so we need to pour it slowly, put one finger into the top edge of the glass, so that when we feel the liquid, den it meant is time to stop pouring... Nex serving was chicken chop! we took a fork and knife and tried figuring where is tat piece of meat, and what was beside it.. lol.. is like.. my colleague couldnt find the mashed potato, ended up when the room is lit on at the end of the thing, she realised that the potato is at another side of the plate, no matter how she poke, she said she couldnt find it LOL... mmmm I still managed to skinned the fats of the chicken chop.. lol... :P next was coffee, creamer and sugar were passed them among us, so u can imagine, we need to touch one another hands, make sure our neighbour is ready to hold the basket before we let go.. lol... last but not least, the ice cream was being served, tat was no sweat.. cos we koe that our desert spoon was at 12 o'clock arm length infront of us. =)
Overall, I felt that I learnt alot from this dinning, I feel very fortunate to be able to see, as I used to keep complaining that why must I wear glasses, but after seeing the blinds, it made me feel that sight is realy important, we just got to treasure this world, the shapes, colors etc...