Saturday, July 25, 2009

ION Orchard

Today met up with Zhen, and decided to go Orchard ION, the newly open shopping center... quite big that place.. but complicated, dun really koe how to shop, cos quite messy.. but the B4 got alot of authentic Jap food... we tried the Katsu rice:

thereafter, we decided to share a authentic jap sotong balls:
Much nicer than those normal stalls one.. lol.. v nice, crust v crispy... Thumbs-up! :P
When walked pass Yakitori, saw one familar face giving ppl chicken balls to taste, its Jia Yuan.. haha so long nvr see him.. :)

Went to FEP shopped ard for my sis's present, hmm we practically walked from 2pm to 8pm lor.. legs really aching .. lol... : ) bought one top and legging for myself.... Den we walked to Orchard central, nth much lor.. boring shopping centre... After that we decided to take a bus to suntec to further source for tee for my sis.. haha cos we couldnt walk anymore, v tiring lor..

Enjoyed myself today..


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