Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gathering with ITE Buddies

I am dropping in to clear the web-cob.. haha

After 3 months+ finally yday get to mit up with my ITE buddies.. although it wasnt alot of ppl.. but credit to WJ for organizing it this time round.. just a small gathering with few of the closer closer ones.... Mit at Vivo and had steamboat plus Macafe (no choice, starbucks closed at 10.30am lor -.-) haha JAnice met us awhile only, rushed down after work.. then Ann oso, dropped by a while only.. Saw her Flowery car, super cute.. lol... haha.. thanks ANn for lifting us to Clementi MRt : ) At times hw I wish I oso own a car, or have the someone like Janice like tat who bf has a car, will pick her up de..... So xin fu.. :)


Ok tml is Monday again... HAiz...

Logging off...

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