This morning 11am met the gers (Janice, Zhen and Irence) at harbor front as we were catching the 11.45am show (LEgion).. Serene ger, our long time MIA girl finally got to meet her today!!! after 7 months of absenteeism!!! lol but understand that she is really busy and packed with her work.. seeing her haggard and tired face, really feel empathic towards her.. and listened to her Pet Cat's story (sicked and passed away) made us really felt sad for her. Luckily she is a strong person with support from her family.. i;m sure she will be fine!! Jia You ger!!! =x
Hmm then went to eat SOup Spoon for lunch, was starving.. oh ya u must be wondering why on earth we met up so early for movie rgt? its becos of me! cos I needed to leave earlier for my cousin's birthday party! =x lol oops! haha.. hmm we went to walk ard and ended chosen a corner (outdoor portion of vivo) to chit chat.. catch up with one another.. one person missing though (Wendy, who went to taiwan) lol
Left at abt 4.45pm.. thereafter, janice went to MS to shop for her things.. then Serene went to BIshan to buy her things.. sorry gers, tat the outing ended earlier than usual.. no worries, we will have next longer outing!! I promise! hee hee.. Really enjoyed spending with the gers! is like once in a while we met, really felt comfortable spending time with them!! hee hee..

Ok, I rched Hougang at abt 5 plus, met up with my parents and sis.. thereafter went to a condo as mentioned, to celebrate my cousin's birthday. BBQ.. yep, food was not bad.. then saw all my small little nieces and nephews!! oOi! they are simply cute and beautifuL! with eyes like longan and lychee! so huge!! arh!!! Super duber cute lol. played with them.. chased after them... carry them!! gosh I love babies!! =x oops.. hahahaha
K just reached home not long ago.. hee hee.. Watching tv!
See ya!!
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