Just came back from my 7 days Taiwan Trip.. was a guided tour, thus it was more to the scenery viewing trips.. and least shopping time! :( Only got like 2 hours to shop at Shi Lin Night Market !!! Aiyoyoyoy super not enuff! the temperature was really cooling.. average 12 degree except for Kaoshiung which temp is more nearer to Sg temp. :P
Reached Taoyuan airport at about 4.30pm, reached hotel at abt 6pm, thereafter it was free n easy, so me and my family ventured off to the mini nite market there. :P although it was mini, but it was like a WA WOW to us. haha alot of local cuisines. and nice clothes. :)
we practically woke up at 6am everyday, cos we need to travel from one province to another.. lol.. didnt had a good slp as i guess it was due to foreign place? or the room was.... ? oops! lol always got tis weird feelings. lol..we took their Bullet train from Taoyuan to Taipei! super fast! :P then off we went to Hua Lian, v nice place.. u koe those "Ah Mei Tribe" lol.. but we had a hard route/journey.. v mountaineers kind. my sis even viomitted! quite torturing. lol but the view was FANTASTIC! lol..
Then as days went by we travelled slowly back to Taipei.. passing by some cities etc..
Came back yday, so still kinda tired.. helped up with the laundry and also packed the things tat I bought. haha
I guess, I will aim to go back to taipei tis year, this time round, it will be free n easy.. I wan to shop till dead! LOL..